This will not be a month of long Journal entries. It's still a month in one shot... I'll try to post December up next week, before New Year's...
Week of October 29th - November 4th, 1999
Nost of the writing I did this week had to do with my FightCity column. As I mentioned last month, I've been successful at keeping to a deadline of a column per week. Except for a few longer stretches, I've succeeded at keeping it. So far, we haven't created an archive for my previous columns, but I've been saving them in a personal database for eventual re-use. With one APAzine finished, it's time for the other. Comicopiawill be due December 10th, the last one of the 20th century. I've never missed an issue to date in the 9-plus years since I started this publication, but the upcoming issue is even more significant: my last words in APA-print this century. I can't miss it! As well as submiting my latest column to FightCity, I've also entered it in a contest to land a columnist position at TSN's website. They're the Canadian equivalent to ESPN. I'm feeling a lot more confident about my writing now, and it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is. We'll see over time if this flies. On the APA front, so far I've started on cosmetic details and personal update sections... over awhile now, errors in things like issue numbers have been in my headers, because I rush things to get them ready and don't make sure of things like this. Not anymore! My personal events section, Notes From the Blotter, will be fresher this time, as I'm working on it while things happen. This way, I won't have to worry about forgetting details. Of course, part of this section is already done, and already online on this site. Last month, I posted the Unconventional Journal for Primedia 99 (although I made an error with the zine number: it'll be in Comicopia 56, not 57). Made my weekly column deadline again. Last week was one of my best ones, in my opinion, but this week was even better. Granted, I'm a bit biased... Time for a small plug (as if I haven't done it much elsewhere on this site): As I mention in the latest audio message on this site, I have Multiple Sclerosis. In part due to events I mention in the Primedia Unconventional Journal, in part because I just want to do something, I've now created a site-within-a-site for MS support: MSInformation. I've put in a lot of work, building up a message board community on it, and I hope people will visit and gain use from the site. TSN is finished accumulating entries for their new columnist search; out of 100 entries, they'll choose the 10 best, post them on the site for viewers to vote on. The first 2 are up, neither one mine. That still leaves me 8 chances though.
Week of November 5th - 11th
Week of November 12th - 18th
Week of November 19th - 25th
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Last Updated: December 30, 1999