I won't even try to justify the lateness in updating this journal this time around...
Still more last-minute racing to get my APAzines ready for the 6th. Comicopia, seeing as it's my baby, has been getting the lion's share of attention.
I got both my zines for Comicopia and APACalypse finished for deadline. It was exhausting to pull it all together, but I made it.
Unfortunately, the two deadlines will be in tandem for at least the next year... *sigh*.
I received my contract papers for "Trust" this week.
Mostly, it was a week to take a breather before the regular deadlines hit once more...
Not really a writing highlight, but definitely a life one: I've been invited to apply as a Geocities Community Leader.
If I get in, I'll have an opportunity to help our community of web sites develop. That's a heady idea...
I submitted the second round application as Community Leader. By the end of March I'll know if I made the grade or not.
I also spoke with my editor at Gold Rush Games this week. We started cementing some of the details on the sourcebook I'm writing for him.
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Last Updated: July 19, 1998
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