This is Me

A photo of Jeff Boman

I've updated the photo again. December 2000 now.

The reasons that I'm adding this Page are simple: to tell you something important about myself.

On March 11th, 1996, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. What this means is that I am sometimes unable to use one of my limbs, or to see, or some other neurological effect, because of damage to my nervous system. This isn't a life-threatening illness, and it doesn't always affect me, but it might do so from time to time throughout my life - until a cure is found.

My reasons for talking about this here aren't for pity or sympathy. Why I am bringing it up is for a two-fold reason:

One, it's to make you think "He has still produced so much work to date - and will keep trying - despite this!". This should help you to realize that a person with MS may have some more challenges in life, but we're still capable of living life and succeeding in it.

Two, if you didn't know someone with MS before, you can now put a face to this illness. It affects a large number of people... but it may also be cured within our lifetimes. Research is being conducted now that already shows great progress - but it also needs funding to keep going.

The next time an MS fund-raiser is held in your area, think of me, and give whatever you can to help cure MS for good.

If you would like more information on Multiple Sclerosis, you can start by going to The MS Society of Canada.

My decisions on silence have changed, since the beginning of December 1999. Use this link to reach MSInformation, my MS support site

Last Updated Apr 5, 2003

E-mail comments and suggestions to: Jeff (Webmaster)